As some of you know I have moved away to Australia on study abroad for 6 months! Here are some of the things I've learnt on the way..
1. Goon is your best friend
1. Goon is your best friend
Even though it taste like chemicals it is the
cheapest thing under $60
2. Swearing
is Australia’s first language
3. You will get laughed at for your strange accent
And most people won't be able to understand you
4 .P.Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney DOES NOT EXIST.
5. It
becomes a part of your daily routine to check toilets/floors/EVERYTHING just in
case you get attacked by giant insects.
6. Don’t mention Steve Irwin. Just don’t.
7. Koalas aren’t cute anymore. They smell, they poop and have chlamydia.
8. Your phone will be full of selfies such as these...


9. Australia is EXPENSIVE
$15 for a burger??
10. It's pretty hard to concentrate when your views look a little
something like this:
11. These cute little things are your worst enemy when trying
to have a lie in
12. But just because you’re in Australia doesn't mean it’s all
fun and sunshine..
13. Kangaroo is the tastiest thing you’ll ever eat
R.I.P :'(
14. Everything is abbreviated and can get a little confusing at
15. Woolworths is not the same as the old UK one. No £2 pick n mix cups :’(

16. You cant eat Ben and Jerrys unless you want to become a stripper on the side to afford living..
I’ll stick to Tim Tams
17. Vegemite will never ever be as good as Marmite
18. Everybody is obsessed with sports and if you have not followed Australian sports before you will get laughed at
19. Netflix has JUST come to this side of the world. FINALLY.
20. You will never want to leave